Lecture Series Winter Term 21 / 22

Lecture Series Winter Term 2021 / 2022:

Business and Human Rights

We warmly invite you to our upcoming lecture series: Business and Human Rights

The lecture series will be held Tuesdays from 6.30 – 8.00 p.m. in the B6 BISSANTZ Hörsaal Nuremberg.

Participation is open and free of charge, no prior registration is required. As of Nov 15 2021, access will only be granted to people who are vaccinated against or have recovered from COVID-19 (2G rule). Please have documentation ready.

The lecture will also take place via Zoom:

Meeting: https://fau.zoom.us/j/63240792469?pwd=Z3NXMHJEWUhkRXhzMVZhdXdOb0U5QT09

Meeting-ID: 931 3332 1344 Password: 169874